The second in a series of Helpsheets about Moodle grades. How to edit a grade from within the grader report.

Moodle Help & Support 

This refers to Moodle 4.1 from December 2023 onward

How to use Moodle Grades (Gradebook) #2: Manually editing grades

There are several help sheets in this series. Start with Grades 1 - Introduction & Overview 

Every grade given in the module may be edited directly within the Gradebook, as well as within the activity itself.  If you edit the mark from within the gradebook, the grade will change colour to indicate the grade has been overridden from the original given by the activity.

To view the Grader report:

  1. In your module, select 'Grades' on the module menu.
  2. Module menu displaying 'Module', 'Settings', 'Participants', 'Grades' (which is underlined in purple as it is selected and also highlighted by a red square), 'Reports' and 'More' options.
  3. The page will refresh to show you the 'Grader report' containing each student’s grade for each assignment and assessment.  Students’ names are down the left column and assignments across the top – you will need to scroll horizontally (using the scroll bar at the bottom) to see all the assignments/assessments if you have several. Scroll using the horizontal scroll bar to scroll to the correct column
  4. If you don't see a view that is similar to the screen shot above then ensure that the drop down menu is set to 'Grader report'.
  5. 'Grader report' drop down menu with 'Grader report' selected.  Options below include 'Grade history', 'Outcomes report', 'Overview report', 'Single view', 'Grade summary', 'User report'.

To alter the number of rows on a page:

It can be easier to manage the scrolling with fewer students on the page

  1. Whilst in the 'Grade report', from the dropdown, select 'Preferences: Grader report' from the dropdown
  2. Towards the bottom of the 'Grader Report Preferences' page, in the 'General' section, set a number for "Students per page" to e.g. 20
  3. 'General' section, including 'Quick grading', 'Show quick feedback', 'Students per page' with the number '20' added to the text box. 'Show only active enrolments' and 'Enable AJAX' with 'Save changes' button at the bottom of the page.
  4. Click on the 'Save changes' button

To filter the records shown

If you wish to quickly navigate to a given student you can use the letters shown above the grader report to filter which records are shown to you.  The report can be filtered by first name, last name, or both. Clicking 'All' reverts the report back to show all records again.

To edit a grade:

  1. While in 'Grader report', click on the 'Edit mode' toggle switch:
  2. 'Edit mode' toggle switch.
  3. An edit box and a cogwheel edit icon appears next to each grade:
  4. Blank text box in 'Grader report'.
  5. Click on the 'Cogwheel edit icon' to open the editing screen for that particular grade which will allow you to set the grade, add written feedback etc. Then click 'Save changes' when you are done:
  6. Cogwheel edit options for grades, including 'User', 'Item name', ''Final grade', 'Excluded' tick box, 'Hidden' tick box, 'Hidden until' date with 'Enable' tick box. 'Locked' tick box', 'Lock after' date with 'Enable' tick box, 'Feedback' text field. 'Save changes' button below.
  7. Alternatively, as there are editable boxes containing each grade, so you can change several grades at once directly in the 'Grader report'. Type / select your grade into the box provided:
  8. Editable grade text box with grade shown
  9. To save, click 'Save changes'.  You can edit more than one grade at once:
  10. 'Save changes' button
  11. We recommend editing no more than about 10 grades before clicking Update.
  12. When you have finished adding grades, click the 'Edit mode' toggle switch at the top right of the page:

In the Moodle Grades helpsheet series

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