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This applies to Moodle 4.1 from December 2023

How to: Set up weighted grades in grade book   

This is not set up in the individual assignments but within Grades, the Moodle grade book.

Accessing the grade book

  1. In your module, select 'Grades' from the row of options under the course title. 

    Under the header there is a row of options which are module, settings, participants, grades, reports and more.

  2.  To the left of the screen there is the Grader report drop-down list. Click on the floating arrow to show the list of options and select 'Gradebook setup' to open the edit-settings page.

    The grader report drop down menu showing the option to select gradebook set-up.

Gradebook set up page.

If your grade items aren't already in a category you will need to add them in to one before you can apply the weighting.

Add a category or edit the category already existing

Add a new category

Add the relevant items to a category within the Gradebook.

  1. Click 'Add category' on the 'Gradebook setup' page

    the add category button from the gradebook set up

  2. Give the category a name

    Naming a new category box

3. Click Show more...

4. Ensure "Aggregation" is set to 'Weighted mean of grades'

Weighted mean of grades selected from the dropdown menu.

5. Click 'Save changes'

Add existing category

If you already have a category set up:

  1. On the Gradebook set up page, click on the Edit button against that category in the "Actions" column  
  2. Select 'Edit Settings'

    The edit settings option in the action column

3. You may need to click "Show more..." under category name

4. Under Grade category, in the "Aggregation" field, click on the drop-down menu box and select 'Weighted mean of grades'

Aggregation drop down list with the option to select weighted mean of grades.

5. Save your changes

Move the assignments to be weighted into that category:

  1. In the Gradebook setup list, to the left of the item there is an arrow. Click the arrow for the grade item to be moved.

    arrow with a pointer at the top and bottom

  2. Select where you wish the grade item to be moved to.

    The option to select where on the page you wish the item to be moved to

3. The grade item will move

4. A new column called "Weights" will appear. 

This is where you will determine the importance i.e. the weighting of each assignment compared to others within the module

Setting the weightings of assignments

  1. In your module, select 'Grades from the tab under the header'

    The options under the header include, module, settings, participants, grades, reports and more.

  2. Next to each assignment, in the "Weight" column, enter any number to change its importance in the overall calculation of the module grade.  For example: for an assignment you wish to contribute 30% to the total module calculation enter 0.3 in the weight field alongside that item.

  3. Click on the 'Save changes' button at the bottom of the page.

Note:  0 means the grade for this assignment will not be considered in the overall calculation for the module.  1 means 100% of the grade for this assignment will be considered in the overall calculation for the module; 1.0 is the default, meaning that every assignment has equal importance and will therefore contribute equally to the overall module grade e.g. 10 assignments will contribute equally 10% towards the final grade.

Setting the weighting of each submission

If you have formative assessments that you don't want to appear in the gradebook as part of the total, create a new category for Formative Assessments and set the weighting of that category to 0. Then move any formative assessments into that category.  See  Grades 5 - How to Add Categories & Organise the Gradebook

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