This refers to Moodle 4.1 from December 2023

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Rubric Assessment criteria

The rubric consists of a set of criteria. For each criterion, scores are created with a description of the requirements to meet each level.  This is a more consistent way of assessing student submissions and has the benefit of transparency for students when they self or peer-assess.

Setting Rubric as the assessment method

  1. Log into Moodle and access your Moodle page. Use the toggle button (top right) to turn on Edit mode.

    Edit mode off
    Edit mode toggle switch off

    Edit mode on
    Edit mode on

  2. Scroll to the Workshop you have created and select the Settings tab to view the settings.
  3. In the settings scroll down to the Grading settings > Grading strategy and choose Rubric from the drop-down list.

    Grading strategy drop down showing Rubric option selected

  4. Choose Save and display

    Meni with Save and Display selected

Setting up the criteria for the Rubric

  1. Scroll to the Workshop you have created and select the Assessment form tab.

    Assessment form tab

  2. You are then provided with a number of criterion and grade levels to define. 

    rubric criteria 

    workshop rubric criterion setup screen

  3. Students will use this information to grade their own work as well as the work that their peers have submitted, but will not see the grade associated with the definitions  

Description - This is the description of the criteria to be met for this aspect of grading of the assignment

Level grade and definition - These are the definitions for each level of the criteria. Depending on the level, students will receive the associated mark that you have set. Students will choose one of these definitions to grade themselves and their peers. 

Student view of Rubric assessment

Students do not see the grade level associated with the different options.  Students can see the description for each criterion and choose the level description, via the radio button, to grade the assignment for each criterion.

An example rubric with example criteria and levels

Accumulative Grading

Accumulative grading is easier to set up than rubric assessment criteria however it may be too complex for students to use as it requires students to choose the marks for a particular criteria themselves.  If using this method it would be best if a marking criteria, possibly that used by staff, is provided for students to refer to when choosing a mark.

Setting Accumulative grading as the assessment method

  1. Log into Moodle and access your Moodle page. Use the toggle button (top right) to turn on Edit mode.

    Edit mode off
    Edit mode toggle switch off

    Edit mode on
    Edit mode on

  2. Scroll to the Workshop you have created and select the Settings tab to view the settings.
  3. In the settings scroll down to the Grading settings > Grading strategy and choose Accumulative grading from the drop-down list.

    Grading strategy drop down showing Accumulative grading option selected
  4. Choose Save and display

    Meni with Save and Display selected

Setting up the aspects of Accumulative grading

  1. Select the Assessment form tab.
  2. You are provided with some Aspects to define and grade scales to set for each.  Students will use the description you provide for each Aspect to decide on the mark to choose for that aspect of the assignment.

      workshop accumulative grading aspects

  3. Description - This is the description of the aspect to be considered by the students when choosing a level during peer and self-assessment.
  4. Best possible - This is where you set the maximum mark a student can provide for this aspect.
  5. Weight - If an aspect is more important than the others you can set the weighting. The higher the number, the more important the aspect compared to the others. If all set to the same e.g. 1, they are all equal.  

Student view of Accumulative grading

Students do not see the weighting of each aspect.  Students can read the description, choose a mark out of the maximum grade for that Aspect and add comments.
Student view of assessment form

'Number of errors' assessment criteria

Instead of setting criteria for students to digest before assigning a level, you can separate out the aspects of criteria into questions to which the students select 'Yes' or 'No' depending on how well the student submission meets that criterion.

Setting 'Number of errors' as the assessment method

  1. Use the toggle button (top right) to turn on Edit mode.

    Edit mode off
    Edit mode toggle switch off

    Edit mode on
    Edit mode on

  2. Scroll to the Workshop you have created and select the Settings tab
  3. Scroll to the Grading settings > Grading strategy and choose Number of errors from the drop-down list

    number of errors

 Setting up the assertions for 'Number of errors'

  1. Select the Workshop activity you've created
  2. Select the  Assessment form tab
  3. You are then provided with a number of Assertions to define in the form of a question or an extract from the marking criteria.  Students will use the description you provide for each Assertion before choosing 'yes' or 'no' the assignment meets that criteria.

    Number of errors assertions

  4. Description - This is the description of the assertion to be considered by students when choosing whether there is an error or not during peer and self-assessment.
  5. Word for the error - Options for students to choose when stating whether there is an error with the assignment.
  6. Weight - If an Assertion is more important than the others you can set the weighting. The higher the number, the more important the assertion compared to others. If all set to the same e.g. 1, they are all equal.

Comments assessment

This is the easiest assessment method to set up in Workshop, however it requires more time to process afterwards due to the qualitative responses received.

Setting Comments as the assessment method

  1. Use the toggle button (top right) to turn on Edit mode.

    Edit mode off
    Edit mode toggle switch off

    Edit mode on
    Edit mode on

  2. Scroll to the Workshop you have created and select the Settings tab

Scroll to the Grading settings > Grading strategy and choose Comments from the drop-down list
comments grading 

Setting up the aspects of Comments

  1. Select the Workshop activity you've created
  2. Select the Assessment form tab
  3. You are provided with a number of Aspects to define to prompt comments about specific aspects of the assignment.  Students will use the description you provide for each Aspect to write their comments during peer and self-assessment.

Comments - aspects

Student view of Comments

  Student view of comments in workshop

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