Moodle Help & Support 


This refers to Moodle 4.1 from December 2023

Grades 5 - Adding Categories and Managing Grades

There are several help sheets in this series. Start with Grades 1 - Introduction & Overview

To add a new category to the Gradebook

If you have several columns in the grades tool it can be helpful to organise them, so for example you could organise into autumn and spring semesters in a year long module, or formative and summative if you have used both assessment types.

  1. Log into Moodle and go to your module.
  2. Click on 'Grades' on the module menu.
  3. Module menu displaying 'Module', 'Settings', 'Participants', 'Grades' (which is underlined in purple as it is selected and also highlighted by a red square), 'Reports' and 'More' options.
  4. Once Editing teachers or teachers click on 'Grades' you go straight to the 'Grader report' (Gradebook).  
  5. Select 'Gradebook setup' from the 'Grader report' drop down menu.
  6. This is where individual grade column settings can be changed (such as Max grade by using the 'Edit' link at the side of each Grade).
  7. In order to add a new category click 'Add category' at the top of the page.
  8. 'Gradebook setup' with 'Add grate item', 'Add outcome item' and 'Add category' (highlighted by red square) buttons.
  9. Give your new category a "Category name" then click 'Show more...'
  10. Amend any of the other settings as needed then click 'Save changes'
  11. 'Grade category' with text field, 'Aggregation' wutg drop down menu showing 'Simple weighted mean of grades' selected. Tickbox ticked for 'Exclude empty grades'. Tickbox ticked for 'Include outcomes in aggregation'. 'Drop the lowest' text box with '0' showing. 'Save changes' button at the bottom highlighted by red square
  12. Once your category has been created then you can add populate it with the grade columns you would like with it. In the 'Gradebook setup' screen you will see what looks like a very small upwards pointing arrow and downwards pointing arrow by the title of each grade item. 
  13. Categories with upward and downward arrows showing on the left
  14. Clicking this icon at the side of the Grade item you would like to move will make active the next screen which allows you to select where you want the item moving to.
  15. 'Moving' screen showing empty fields between items to move grade items too.
  16. Alternatively, you can move assessments by selecting the check box by your assignment and then click on the "Move selected items to" dropdown to choose the category for the assignment.
  17. 'Move selected items to' dropdown menu. 'Save changes' button highlighted by red square.
  18. When you have finished making changes to your gradebook, click the 'Save changes'.