This refers to Moodle 4.3 from August 2024 onwards
Things to consider when choosing if to mark via a rubric/marking guide.
- You can use a Rubric as the Grading Method in Moodle Assignments.
- This allows you to mark submissions using set Criteria and levels.
- All Moodle rubrics are Quantitative. This means that the grade is calculated by Moodle from the choices you make in the rubric.
- You will not be able to mark offline with a rubric/marking guide as you can within a general Moodle Assignment.
- The option to download grades before they have been released from within the dropbox assignment is not available with rubrics.
- Within a rubric or marking guide if you need to change the overall grade for any reasons e.g. penalties need to be applied to the grade. You will not be able to do this within the dropbox. Only way to change the overall grade would be to release the grades first and then override the grade in the gradebook. A useful workspace guide on this is Grade 2 – Manually editing grades. This is not recommended as it could cause confusion for students. REMEMBER – you will need to hide the dropbox and assignment within the gradebook first. If you decided to override the grade within the gradebook, then please note students should be made aware to prevent any confusion.
- If you are using anonymous marking with a rubric, you will need to unanonymize the students before you can release grades to the students.
Moodle assignment with a rubric as the grading method.
To create an assignment that uses rubric as the grading method, first create the assignment. Whilst in the settings of the assignment, find the ‘grade’ section. Within the ‘grade’ section you will need to select ‘rubric’ from the drop-down menu.
Alternatively, there is the option to use a 'marking guide'.
Creating a rubric
- Once the settings have been saved, click into the Assignment.
- Select ‘Advanced Grading’ from the menu under the assignment title.
- Change active grading method to 'Rubric' using the drop down menu.
To add a rubric from scratch.
- Select the option ‘Define new grading form from scratch’.
- Enter a 'Name' for the rubric (and 'Description' if required)
A blank criterion is automatically created with 3 levels and number of points for each level.
- Edit the name of the criterion and levels as required and click on the 'Add level' button to add new levels if needed. You can also update the points for each level.
- Add one or more new criterion for any elements that need to be assessed by clicking on the ‘Add criterion’ button.
The graphic above shows that the Knowledge criterion has a greater weighting than the one for Referencing.
You can set the Rubric options to control how and when the rubric is displayed such as allow users to preview rubric, display rubric description during evaluation and or to those being graded. Display rubric points for each level during evaluation/to those being graded, allow grader to add text remarks for each criterion and show remarks to those being graded.
- You can either 'Save rubric and make it ready' or 'Save as draft'
To use an imported or edit an existing rubric
(Either your own or one that is available to all users)
- Under the assignments title select ‘Advanced Grading’ from the menu.
- Change active grading method to 'Rubric' using the drop down menu.
- Click on the option to 'Create new grading form from a template'
- To find one of your own templates that you have created before, make sure that there is a tick in the tick box for ‘include my own forms’ and then type in your search term to help you find the rubric you are looking for and then click on the ‘Search’ button. Or to show all templates you have created once you have ticked the box for 'include my own forms', click on the 'search' button.
A list of templates will appear.
- Scroll down the list to find the rubric template you would like to use. Once you have found the template you would like to use go to the bottom of the template and click on ‘Use this form as a template’.
- Click ‘Continue’ to confirm you would like to use the template you selected.
- You can either 'Save rubric and make it ready' or 'Save as draft'
Setting up a Marking Guide in a Moodle Assignment
A marking guide (similar to a grading form in Turnitin) has criteria against which to mark, but no levels or descriptors.
The marker adds free text against each criterion, and a mark (out of a set total, Moodle will calculate the overall grade).
- To create an assignment that uses Marking Guide as the grading method, first create the assignment. Whilst in the settings of the assignment remember to find the ‘grade’ section. Within the ‘grade’ section, find 'Grading Method' and make sure you select ‘marking guide’ from the drop-down menu’.
Creating a Marking Guide
- Once the settings have been saved, click into the Assignment.
- Select ‘Advanced Grading’ from the menu under the assignment title.
To add a marking guide from scratch, select the option 'Define new grading form from scratch'.
- Enter a 'Name' for the Marking Guide' and 'Description' if required)
- A criterion is automatically created with areas for students, marker descriptions, maximum score and frequently used comments.
- Click on ‘click to edit criterion name’ to edit the name of the criterion
- 'Click to edit' to add a ‘Description for students’
- 'Add a ‘Description for markers by clicking on ‘click to edit’ (these can be the same or different)
- Add a ‘Maximum score’ that can be given for the criterion by clicking on ‘click to edit’
- Click on ‘Add criterion’ button to add one or more new criterion for any elements that need to be assessed.
- Click on the ‘Add frequently used comment’ button to add any ‘frequently used comments’ you would like to add to save time when marking.
- You have the option to show or not show the definitions and scores to students.
- Then you can either 'Save as draft' or 'Save marking guide and make it ready' (the marking guide will then be available for markers to use).
To use an imported or edit an existing rubric
- Under the assignments title select ‘Advanced Grading’ from the menu.
- Change active grading method to 'Marking Guide' using the drop down menu.
- Click on the option to 'Create new grading form from a template'
If you have already created a template would like to use a pre-existing template make sure that you put a tick in the tick box for ‘include my own forms’ and then click on the 'search' button for all your templates to appear. Scroll down the list to find the rubric template you would like to use. Once you have found the template you would like to use go to the bottom of the template and click on ‘Use this form as a template’.
- You can either 'Save rubric and make it ready' or 'Save as draft'
See also
About rubrics:
About setting up assignments: