This refers to Moodle 4.3 from August 2024 onwards
In your profile there is a setting to get Moodle to mark new forum posts for you:
1. Go to your dashboard by clicking 'University logo' on the top left
2. Click on the arrow icon next to your profile to open your personal menu and select 'Preferences'.
3. This will open a new page were you need to select Forum preferences from the 'User account' section.
4. This will open another new page. Under "Forum tracking" ensure it is set to 'Yes: highlight new posts for me'
5. Click on the 'Save Changes' button at the bottom of the page to update your preferences.
You will then see new posts highlighted in a number of ways, for example on the main module page.
Or when you go into the forum.
To receive an email every time someone posts
This means that you will receive an email (either every time someone posts or once a day, depending on your profile settings)
1. On the 'Forum preferences' (see steps 1-3 above), ensure that the 'Forum auto-subscribe' should be set to 'Yes: when I post, subscribe me to that forum discussion'.
2. When you have completed changes, click the 'Save changes' button