This refers to Moodle 4.3 from August 2024 onwards
Previous years' modules
If a module from a previous year that you were enrolled on is not visible in your 'Module Overview', Select 'My Modules' from the menu bar at the top of the page and under the drop down the filter menu for 'All' click "Past"
How to: Navigate to modules NOT in your Module Overview
Some Schools or Faculties e.g. Business School and the Faculty of Engineering have enabled students to access other modules that they are not taught. Please note: You may only have observer access which means you can not contribute in e.g. forums but can access materials.
If you are an Observer across your School category in Moodle you will have access to lots of modules but at a category level. This means because you are not enrolled onto the individual modules they will not appear in your 'Module Overview' on your Dashboard. So, you'll need to navigate to them in a different way.
To navigate to your School category or an individual module do the following:
- Click on the 'Home menu' and from here you can either Search for a particular module using its code or its title, or you can click on the section headings in the list illustrated below e.g. UNUK for UK modules to browse the hierarchy to find a course.
3. Clicking the section heading opens a list of categories (Faculties) in Moodle. Their subcategories (Schools and Departments) are revealed by clicking on the small grey arrow icon
4. Scroll down until you have found the required Faculty or Division and browse by either clicking the small grey arrows, or clicking the full link. Clicking the full link will open a new page with the subcategories.
Here is an example in Engineering > Chemical and Environmental Engineering:
- Click on Department of Chemical and Environmental Engineering > MSc to get a list of modules
2. To enter a module, click on the module title. This will open the module’s front page displaying all the materials.
3. There are three main categories, UNUK, UNNC, UNMC: your Faculty category and School/Department subcategories will be located within one of these
Key links
To make navigating to your School sub-category easier you may want to create a Key Links block on your Dashboard.
See the following page for instructions