This refers to Moodle 4.1 from December 2023 onwards  

Completing questionnaires and submitting feedback to tutors

This tool consists of questions for you to respond to. Depending of the settings your tutor has chosen, your responses may be anonymous or visibly attributed to you (visible to the tutor, not other students). This type of activity could be created for various reasons e.g. for you to provide feedback about the module, collation of opinions etc. If you've used before, it's very similar to this:

  1. Go into your module.
  2. Click on the title of the survey and feedback tool.
  3. Click 'Answer the questions'.

    Introduction to survey.

4. Once you've completed all the questions click 'Submit your answers.'

Note:  When a question has a red exclamation mark next to it this means it is mandatory.  If the survey is anonymous it will be stated at the top of the form.

Example of a survey.

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