This refers to Moodle 4.3 from August 2024 onwards

Moodle Help & Support 

Who can enrol participants

If you are an Editing Teacher you can enrol others in your module up to Editing Teacher. If you have School Support role you can enrol anyone in your School or category.

Note: We do NOT recommend that you enrol students manually. Students will be enrolled on modules according to their registration in Campus Solutions. This link is dynamic so if students drop a module they will automatically be removed.  If you add students to your course manually then this dynamic link to the student record system is broken. This link will become vital when marks are passed between Moodle and Campus.

Enrolling users

As an Editing Teacher (or School Support) you can enrol someone on a module as a:

  • Student
  • Observer – like a student but cannot take part – useful for colleagues who want to look in on one another’s modules or for student to peek in when they are choosing modules
  • Teacher – can see material hidden from students and mark their work but not add or edit
  • Editor -  can add and amend and edit but not see student contributions or mark them
  • Editing teacher – staff are normally at this level – can add and edit material, view grades and student contributions and mark

To enrol someone in your course 

1. In your module, click on 'Participants' towards the top of the page. It will appear beneath the title of the module.

Participants option selected in navigation bar

This will open a page where a list of those enrolled in your module appears. This is searchable in various ways.

Screenshot of Participants page showing filters and ways to search those enrolled on module

2. Select Keyword from the dropdown list and type a name into the search box and choose 'Apply filters' to check that the person is not already enrolled. 

Searching for a keyword on the participants page in Moodle

3. If they are not enrolled, click the 'Enrol users' button.

Enrol users button

4. A pop up will open.

Check that 'Assign role' is set to the appropriate role. The default is Student. Select 'Editing teacher' or 'Editor' for someone who just needs to add and edit content but not see students' marks, or 'Teacher' for a Teaching Assistant / marker who doesn’t need to edit or add material (See below for more details on roles).

6. Type the user's name into the 'Select user' search box - as much of the name as you know.
Use % as a wildcard to catch all middle names or find variations (e.g., Jo%Smith will get Jo Smith, John Leo Smith, Joan Smithson, etc.).  Names will appear dynamically as you type. 
See more below on how to search for users.
Note: searching usernames will work for students, but NOT necessarily for staff (use their name or part of their name).  

7. When the users come up, check for the correct one and select it

8. Search for next person and enrol in the same way.

9. When you are finished click 'Enrol selected users and cohorts'.

Screenshot of pop up where you can search and add new users to a Moodle module

Querying users

The Participants list can be used to query your course enrolments in various ways. You can filter by active/inactive, type of user, group or initial(s).  You can then interrogate a particular user’s activity more closely.

At the top of the page there are filters where you can search your participants.

1. Select from the 'Match' dropdown either 'None', 'Any' or 'All'.

2. Select what specifically you want to search from the 'Select' dropdown.

Selecting a filter on the participants page

For instance, if you select 'Status' you can look for 'Active' and 'Inactive' users.
Filtering the participants list by status

Alternatively, if you search by 'Roles' you can filter by a specific role.
Filtering the participants list by role

You can also search by enrolment method, group, and length of time inactive.

3. You can combine searches by adding additional conditions by clicking on the 'Add condition' button and following the previous steps again.
Add condition button

4. When you are ready to run the query, click on the 'Apply filters' button.

Apply filters button

5. To clear the filters when you have finished, click on the 'Clear filters' button.

Clear filters button

To unenrol a staff member 

You may wish to remove a fellow staff member from your module, for example, if you are taking over a module and need to unenrol the previous convenor.

Under normal circumstances you should not remove students from modules as this happens automatically when the module is removed from their student record.  You are able to remove students from other modules, but please bear in mind that the student's contributions to activities, assignments and grades may be lost.

Go to the 'Participants' page in your module.

2. Search or browse to the person you wish to unenrol. Click the 'Pencil' next to their role

3. Delete a role as appropriate by clicking on the 'x'.

4. Choose a new role from the drop down.

5. When correct, click the 'Save' icon.

Change a participants role in a module

6. To unenrol a user from the module altogether, click the 'Dustbin' icon at the far right in the "Status" column.

Icons in status column including dustbin icon at the end

Investigating enrolments

In the far right column ("Status") click the 'i' symbol to find out more about the user's enrolment, e.g., details of when the user became enrolled, e.g. "Manual enrolments from Friday, 1 August 2021, 12:00 AM".

Icons in status column including the 'i' icon at the end

Which shows you, e.g.,

Screenshot of enrolment details

Searching for users to enrol

Note: That if you type a full name Moodle will look for a full name to match exactly, so searching for, e.g.,  “Helen Whitehead” will not match “Helen Victoria Whitehead”.

Most student records are created directly from the student records system and will have their middle names as well, so you may have difficulty finding them. The best option is to search for the lastname and select them from the list that comes up – or search for a username or studentID.

Do not use the "username" to search for staff or postgraduates. Moodle searches the email address (which includes the username for undergraduates) but will not find a username if the email is in the format

Tips on finding users in the 'Enrol users' window:

  • Search for a firstname or surname, not necessarily a full name, as, for example “Bill Sheppard” will not retrieve William Hartley Sheppard.
  • You can also search for Bill%Sheppard (where % is a wildcard)
  • Beware of spaces in the name, e.g.,  “  Bill” (look carefully!)
  • If you can’t find a person, then consider – are they already enrolled on the module? (In which case they won’t come up in a search of the rest of the users!)
  • It is possible with staff members, especially new staff members or Associates, that their Moodle account hasn’t been created yet?

If they do not have an account in Moodle already please send the following details for us to create their account

username, lastname, firstname, staffID (if known), shortname of any course you'd like them to have access to and what level (e.g., editing teacher, student, teacher, observer)

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