This refers to Moodle 4.1 from December 2023 onward
This activity helps with tracking student absence and reasons for absence without delay.
- Navigate to the module you want to change and click on the 'Edit mode' toggle to turn editing on (top right).
- Scroll down to the appropriate section for the form and click on the + Add an activity or resource hyperlink
- Select the 'Absence form' activity
- "Absence form name": Title of the absence form (showing on the module content page)
- "Description": Instructions and information for completion of the absence form (showing in the absence form)
- "Send email on submit": Tick this box and provide an email address if you'd like to be sent an email notification when a submission has been made.
- "Email address": Email address to send absence form to if the "Send email on submit" has been ticked
When you have finished on the Settings page. click on 'Save and return to module' at the bottom of the page then click on the 'Edit mode' toggle to turn editing off on your main Moodle page.
When the student clicks on the 'Save Changes' button, if 'Send e-mail on submit' has been selected the following information will be sent to the email address set in the form:
- "Username" (picked up automatically by Moodle when a student notes an absence)
- "Session" (this is the class they noted they had missed)
- "Reason" (text entered by the student)
- "Notes" (additional notes added by the student)
There is also a URL link to the relevant Absence Form.
Tip: The email Subject shows the name of the Absence Form so you could include the module name or code as part of the Absence Form name to make it clear which form the email relates to.