Moodle Help & Support
This refers to Moodle 4.3 from July 2024 onwards
TinyMCE 6 Text Editor in Moodle
TinyMCE 6 is a new text editor enabled in Moodle that contains a lot of useful features to help create and edit content. Below is a breakdown of the functionality available.
Undo button
Redo button
Bold button
Italics button
Text foreground colour, enables a selection of accessible colours to pick from.
When selected, the following colours are available, Nottingham Blue, Jubilee Red, Forest Green, Civic Purple and Black.
Add image button, enables the ability to insert an image.
Multimedia button, ability to add URLs of video or audio.
Echo360 (Engage) button, to embed Echo recordings (for UNUK and UNM).
H5P button, to add H5P content.
Mediaspace embed button, to embed videos from Mediaspace/Kaltura.
Add a hyperlink/URL button
Remove hyperlink/URL button
Panopto button, to add Panopto recordings (for UNNC only). Please do not add or record any video on Panopto if you are based on the UK or Malaysia campuses as they will be removed.
More options button, this will open up extra icons on the toolbar. If you only see a top row of tools press this button to open up another row of tools.
Full screen button, to make the text editor enlarge to the full screen.
Align left, will align text to the left of the page.
Align centre, will align text to the centre of the page.
Align right, will align text to the centre of the page.
Left to right text, this will make the text appear from the left side on the text editor.
Right to left text, this will make the text appear from right to left on the text editor.
Decrease indent, this will move the text more to the left.
Increase indent, this will move text more to the right.
Bullet list, this will add a bullet list.
Numbered list, this will add numbered list.
Equation editor, this will open the equation editor to write equations.
Undo, will undo previous text written.
Redo, will re-add any previous deleted text.
Cut, will cut any selected text/image that was written.
Copy, will copy any selected text that was written.
Paste, will paste any text that was copied.
Paste as text, will paste anything copied as a form of text, if it can.
Select all, this will select all items in the text editor box
Find and replace, this enables the ability to enter text to be found and replace it with other text.
Source code, will display the source code of the text editor.
(Please ensure you press the ‘Save’ button before exiting the source code page to ensure any changes have been saved.)
Visual aids, is enabled by default and will display a light grey box around any tables that have been created in the text editor.
Show invisible characters, this will display any hidden characters in grey such as space.
Show blocks, will add a grey block around the text and display what style they are using.
Fullscreen, will open the text editor in full screen to give you more space. If you need to come out of the full screen option click on ‘View’ and then ‘Fullscreen’ again, or CTRL+Shift+F on the keyboard.
The insert menu contains a lot of the functionality that has already been listed in this document. This section will only cover new functionality found in the Insert menu.
Code sample, enables the ability to display code in a particular format. Please ensure you press the ‘Save’ button within the Code sample text box to ensure any changes are saved.
How it is displayed in the text editor.
Table, gives the ability to select the width and cells of the table to be added to the text editor.
Special character, enables the ability to add characters like currency into the text editor.
Emojis, enables the ability to add a selection of emojis.
Horizontal line, will add a light grey horizontal line onto the text editor.
Page break, Nonbreaking space and Anchor, are functionality that does not work within this type of text area.
Date/time, enables the ability to add time and also date. Please be aware that the date is month/day/year and not day/month/year.
The Format menu contains a lot of the functionality that has already been listed in this document. This section will only cover new functionality found in the Format menu.
Underline, enables the ability to underline words.
Strikethrough, enables the ability to add a line through words.
Superscript, enables the ability to add a superscript in the text editor.
Subscript, enables the ability to add a subscript in the text editor.
Code, will switch the format to write code.
Blocks, enables the ability to apply different heading styles to text, such as Heading 3 and Paragraph.
Line height, gives the ability to adjust the line height between lines of text.
Clear formatting, this will remove all formatting from selected text in the editor.
Source code, will switch the text editor to display the source code of the page. Please ensure you press the ‘Save’ button if you make any changes and wish to switch back from source code view.
Word count, will display the number of words and characters used.
The word count also appears at the bottom right of the text editor.
Accessibility checker, will check through content that is within the text editor for accessibility improvements. (note this is different to the Brickfield accessibility + report, or a full accessibility analysis of your module please use the Brickfield accessibility + tool).
A pop-up window will appear when the check is complete.
Media manager, provide s a list of media added to the text editor. It also provides the ability to delete any embedded files not used in the text area, so helps with file management.
Table, provides the ability to create a table by selecting the number of cells in width and length.
Cell, provides options such as Cell properties that gives width and height options. Merge cells will merge selected cells from the table and Split cell will split the cell.
Within Cell properties you can add Header cells to the table which improves the accessibility of the table, specifically assistive technologies that reflow text. To do this select ‘Header cell’ from the ‘Cell type’ dropdown menu and then press ‘Save’.
Once applied the header row will be displayed in bold.
This can also be done in the by selecting 'Row' and 'Row Properties', which enables the header to be applied across the whole row.
Within 'Row Properties' select 'Header' from the 'Row type'.
Row, gives the ability to insert rows before or after, delete, cut, copy and paste before and after. It is also possible to access the row properties too.
Column, gives options to insert columns before and after as well as delete, cut, copy and paste columns.
Table properties, provides adjustment options to the width and height of the table. Please also check the ‘Show caption’ check box to add a caption and press ‘Save’.
You now can write a caption that can be read by screen readers and other assistive technologies. This will appear at the bottom of the table.
Delete table, will remove the table from the text editor.
Help menu provides some useful information such as keyboard shortcuts.