- keep modules across a School consistent
- provide a better experience for the students when trying to find items such as assignments.
- make it easier for staff – it?s it’s a usable starting point
- be flexible to suit your needs – for example, you can add more sections (topics) – BUT bear in mind the principle of consistency.
By adding the block Module Navigation Moodle shows a ?table “table of contents? contents” automatically picked up from the Section name.
NOTE In the current Moodle (from July 2015) a table of contents appears automatically in the NAVIGATION block in every module.
You can also add images, a Wordle1 or a Prezi2, even using images for navigation.
Tips and recommendations
- Start simple
- Don?t Don’t make the images too big or overdo it with too many
- Keep graphics discreet and useful to students – should fit with the overall University / Moodle design
- If students have to scroll every time they visit the page, they will get frustrated!
- Use the blocks available such as Module Navigation
- Keep any embedded items such as Prezi or video to a minimum
- Put just a few graphic items on the front page or it will take too long to load? load…
More information:
Moodle Help
How to achieve this
1Wordle – a way to create visual word maps of a piece of text or important concepts (wordle.net or tagxedo.com