This refers to Moodle 4.3
from August 2024 onwards
IMPORTANT NOTE: Make sure you read emails with subject line Moodle.Nottingham: Forum Digest
You can choose to receive emails as soon as they are sent out by Moodle (e.g., through the News / announcements forum of a module you have a role in).
Getting one email at a time is useful because
- each email has a helpful subject line including the module it has come from.
- it is clear which staff member is sending the message.
OR you can change to digest mode - only one email a day, in a digest.
- This is useful because you only get one email a day.
- Warning: as the header is Moodle.Nottingham: Forum Digest you may not see it as important (always read such emails).
- The emails from News / Announcements are mixed in with emails from other forums and you may have to read carefully to pick out the important messages.
- It only comes once a day (around 5-5.30 pm) so any messages which require immediate action may be received too late (e.g., last minute cancellation of a lecture).
OR An alternative way to manage emails from Moodle is to use " no digest", so you get single emails, and then use your filters in Outlook to sweep emails into a particular folder (but don't forget to read them!).
To change email mode:
- At the top right of the Moodle page, click on your name, and you get a drop down the menu.Image Removed
2. Click 'Preferences'.
3. Under the 'User account' header
select 'Forum preferences'.
Image Added
4. Next to 'Email digest type
' for digest select
'Complete (daily email with full posts)
' OR 'Subjects (daily email with subjects only)
OR 'No digest (single email per forum post)
5. Click 'Save changes'.Image Removed