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A.  Your Moodle username and password is the same as your main University username/password (i.e. what you use to log into University computers). Note: You are asked to change your password when you first get your University account and that password does expire. If it has expired, get a new password from your local helpline. In UNNC you should go directly toIT Service Desk The Hub.

Q1.4. How do I change my Moodle password?


A.  Sometimes browsers try to open files in the wrong program or one that is not working correctly and this prevents you from opening the file at all. To get around this you can tell your web browser to always ask you what program to use (in Firefox) or check the default program is correct (PC or Mac). To do this follow the instructions for the web browser or device you are using. If you aren't sure what web browser you are using click on Help (usually located in a drop-down menu at the top right of your browser) and then About to find out (PC only).

Firefox 3129.6+0 (to tell web browser what program to use):


  • Go into the Forum
  • Click "Unsubscribe from this forum"  or "Subscribe to this forum" as appropriate

Subscribe to forum button.Image Modified

Q5.3. Can I upload an image to Moodle?

A. You can add a picture to your profile - see Upload a picture to your profile Here is how and in Moodle profile. In some activities, such as forums and databases you can add an image to accompany your text. When uploading images, you should first optimise them so that they are as small as possible Here is how.possible, How to get images ready for Moodle provides guidance on this. 

Q5.4.  The convenor has added an interactive activity in Moodle and I'm not sure how it works


If the module convenor has set the settings NOT not to allow students to view their originality report there will be no 'Similarity'  columncolumn. You can test similarity for yourself in the module "TurnitinUK Test your Text" which can be accessed via the Hamburger menu.the 'More' tab at the top of your Moodle page. 

Q6.6 Why can't I see my feedback comments from my Turnitin submission on Safari?
