Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


Note:  The paper being submitted must contain more than 20 words, must be under 20MB 100MB (or approximately two million characters), must not exceed 400 pages in length, and must not contain spaces in between every letter (l i k e t h i s).


  1. Microsoft Word® (.doc / .docx) - preferably without headers
  2. Excel (XLS, XLSX)
  3. PowerPoint (ppt, pptx, pps, ppsx)  (Note: if you up;oad upload a narrated powerpointPowerPoint, the audio will be stripped when 
  4. OpenOffice (.odt)
  5. WordPerfect® (.wpd)
  6. PostScript (.ps/.eps)
  7. Adobe® PDF (including scanned documents, but to generate an originality report the PDF MUST contain highlightable text). For more information scanning guidance can be found here
  8. HTML
  9. Rich text format (.rtf)
  10. Plain text (.txt)
  11. Hangul Word Processor file (.hwp)
