For all solutions you need: | For narrated PowerPoint you need: | For recording a screencast via Teams: | For recording using your preferred recording software: |
- A desktop, laptop or tablet computer (other devices may be used, as outlined in the final column)
- A headset with a microphone or speakers and a separate microphone (microphones may be built into your device or webcam)
- (optionally) A webcam (this might be built into your laptop)
- A reliable internet connection
- A quiet place to work
| | | - Refer to instructions for your own software and device
- Please note that if you select this option, we will not be able to provide technical support for third party technologies .
- Refer to the instructions for how to upload your recording via Moodle.
Adding narration to
NOTE: There are four parts to these instructions, please read all of the steps up to Part 4.