moodle.Nottingham is the University?s online learning environment used throughout the University from the academic year 2012-13 onwards. Moodle is the place where lecturers upload learning materials such as lecture slides, handouts, readings, web links, audio and video, but you may also be asked to take part in activities such as submitting assignments, participating in discussions, contributing to wikis or blogs or providing content for student-generated databases and glossaries.
Why can?t I see my modules online?
Check Once you have handed in your module choices, your School will update your student record and once that has been done you will automatically be added to the relevant module on Moodle. Be patient during this process. If you know you are enrolled on a module and still cannot see it, check with your lecturer first to make sure moodle.Nottingham is used for your module and that it has been made available to students (it may be hidden while the lecturer is preparing it). If you continue to experience problems, contact the student IT Helpline
Use your normal University username and password to log in
NOTE: Some medical modules may also have a presence on the NLE at nle.nottingham.ac.uk
Online assessment
The University uses two main online assessment systems for written essays, tests and quizzes. Turnitin is for written essays and can be used to automatically check your submission for plagiarism. The other is Rogo, an online testing tool, used by lecturers for online assessment at any time during your studies
Moodle is the University?s new online learning environment which will be used across the whole University from September 2012.
As the starting point for supporting modules online, staff are using it in a number of ways:
Moodle is being designed to connect with a number of other University systems, including Turnitin, Rog?, Xerte Online Toolkits and is being developed and extended specifically to suit the University?s needs.
?My experience of Moodle during the pilot has been very positive and I?ll be happy to encourage my colleagues. It was a smooth and trouble-free implementation and the students find it easy to access, navigate and use.? Martin Luck, Biosciences
Support available
Support for Moodle is available from learning-team-support@nottinghamtechnologies@nottingham.ac.uk
We have someone on the helpdesk Moodle Helpdesk every day who will be able to answer your enquiries or direct them to the most appropriate person.